Monday, June 30, 2014

GO NeoTack Dye Sub Ink Now in 19 Colors--See the Movie

 Graphics One is pleased to announce the addition of three new ultra dense NeoTack dye sub inks. In the next several weeks we will start shipping Super Cyan, Super Magenta and Super Yellow. Of course we have had Super Black for some time now. With the addition of these three colors we now offer 19 different colors, the widest range of any dye sub ink supplier. The 19 colors are: C,M,Y,K, Lc, Lm, Orange, Green, Violet, Blue, Neon Yellow, Neon Red, Neon Blue, Super Cyan, Super Yellow, Super Black, Light Black, Gray, Light Gray. Remember,...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Graphics One Announces Agreement for New Digital Flatbed Cutter

Perfect Combo for Packaging and POP Display MarketsGraphics One and Crescent Cardboard are pleased to announce a joint marketing agreement for the Valiani line of flatbed cutters and the GO F-24 UV Small Format Printer. The agreement is reciprocal and Crescent will bundle the F-24 with its cutters and GO will bundle the various flatbed cutters offered through Crescent. The target markets for these systems is packaging and POP graphics.The Valiani...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We Have the Balls--120 of Them in 35 Seconds--See the Movie

GO's F-24 UV LED Flatbed Inkjet Printer is wickedly fast. Check out this video of the unit printing 120 golfballs in 35 seconds. Really? Yes, it is a fact.\ &nb...

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Heat Presses for Transfers--Swing Away or Clam Shell

One of the major factors impacting successful paper transfers is the type of heat press being used. There are two main types of heat press for garments transfers:  swing away and clam shell.Clam Shell Not RecommendedWe find that many of our users have already purchased clam shell heat presses and expect to be able to use them with garment transfer. The explanation for this is clam shell presses tend to be lower cost. Clam shell units also take up less space generally than swing away heat presses. How do clam shell presses work for transfers?...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

GO F-24 UV Flatbed Review--Small Format UV Printer Comparison with Pros and Cons

Click on Chart to View Complete ComparisonThe following Review and Comparison of Small Format UV Printers is a compendium of five previous articles covering the major providers of these printers. We have reviewed two printers from Direct Color Systems, one printer from Inkcups, two printers from Mimaki, one printer from Mutoh, two printers from Roland, and of course, the GO F-24 Small Format UV LED Flatbed Printer. Although we go into a bit more...

Monday, June 2, 2014

GO F-24 Compared and Reviewed to Roland Small Format Flatbeds--What are the Pros and Cons?

Click on Chart to See Entire ComparisonThis is a fifth in a series of five articles comparing and reviewing the GO F-24 Small Format UV LED Flatbed  Printer to other products in the market. In articles we reviewed products from Direct Color Systems (DCS), Inkcups', Mimaki, Mutoh and now Roland. Roland as a company has an excellent reputation and in fact are probably the best at product marketing and applications in this business. They target...