Tuesday, October 9, 2018

New 5-color OKI Pro9541WT Including White and Black

First Textile Transfer Printer with Five Color Capability

With the announcement this past week of OKI's new Pro9541WT, or C9541WT Textile Transfer Printer, we are now able to offer not only white toner, but also black toner., not composite black. This is the first five color unit developed specifically for the textile transfer market space.

As is noted in the illustration above, the Pro9541WT/C9541WT, color layout is Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black and White. This is the order the colors are laid down when imaging. Of course, for the textile transfer market, White is always last since it acts as a base for dark and black shirts. With the addition of true black in the mix, the cost of toner on a per page basis is up to 40% less when compared to other OKI CMYW printers (no black). 

The OKI Pro9541WT/C9541WT will start shipping in December of 2018 through Graphics One's channel sales partners. For added information about the product and where to obtain this unit, please contact sales@graphicsone.com or www.graphicsone.com.


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